It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

So we had a wonderful time with my parents & Jake & Tiffany - for Caleb's family party!  It was so much fun. Lithia & family got Caleb an alarm clock - what a thrill!  That is the source of my topic today!

I snoozed my alarm for the 5th time this morning.  Last night Marshall and I stayed up late reading an awesome book together that we rented from the library.  Just as I did the math of what time it must be (a school morning, and I usually make sure the boys get up and so on...)  I looked at my phone and it read 7:15am.  I jolted up out of bed, and noticed the hall light sneaking through the cracks of my door.  "Huh" I wondered.

I walked out and found my boys beds made, Caleb dressed & Zach in the process of getting dressed.  WHOA!  I must still be dreaming!  Nope, it was true!  Not only that, but I did hardly anything this morning and they were ready early!  After a few years of getting these little lugs out of felt nice to see them do it on their own,  and happily!  I just had to share!  If for no other reason, this will remind me that consistency, really does pay off!  Either that, or new alarm clocks ROCK!  ;)  It's turning out to be a good day!


Tiffany said…
Ah man, I wish I could take credit for that but it was Lithia that gave him the alarm clock (we gave him the gift card). I'm glad the clock worked though!
Chelsea said…
Hmm. Maybe we need an alarm clock in the girls' bedroom.

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