Thunder & Lightening...

About 2 am, after the loudest CRASH of thunder my little Rylie came sleepily running into our room, saying, "I don't like that loud music!"  She found herself cuddled snuggly in the middle of Marshall and I while we attempted getting comfy...

About 2 minutes later and a few thunders after, Caleb came in and told us, "Dad, This is freaking me out!!!!"  He found a spot on the floor and joined our slumber party. 

Yeah, we're pooped, no sleep, but it was the cutest thing ever!  To tell you the truth, it made me feel better too, to have them in there, where I could cuddle.  I am a little coward when it comes to lightening and thunder in the middle of the night!  Thank heaven Marshall was there, or I would have dragged Zach in (who slept like a baby through it all) to cuddle with me too!!!!  ;)


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