I'm Ready

This morning, Marshall was sleeping from a night shift, so I was in the kids' bathroom getting ready. 

Rylie came in after I got dressed while I was doing my make up.  She climbed, interested in what I was doing, sweetly on to the toilet cover and stood there, with wide eyes as she watched me with each step of applying my make up.  She would mimic my movements with her mouth (I know you all know what I mean, the silly faces we make to get our make up on ;) ). 

As I was pulling my mascara out of my bag, and she said "Mommy, what is that?"  I told her.  She thought for a while about it and said, "Mommy I am weddy (ready) to be a big girl."  My heart broke and was happy at the same time. 

Wow.  Time flies.  I don't want her to grow up, but yet, I am at the stage where a break from being the mommy of little ones sounds really appealing ;)  I love this little grown up girl. 


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