Well, we had a fun, and merry Christmas! My wonderful sister did a wonderful job at hosting many families this year & we loved every minute of it! The kids were in heaven! So were our bellies!!! :)

What a thrill! Rylie was sooo excited to have her 'baby sister' there! Jaelynn! She was in heaven!

Sarah unrolling the big gift from her mom and me. So nice to be done!

Our little sweeties...I could just eat them up!!! :)

OK-TALK about a DREAM doll house! Santa brought Rylie a house for her dolls, complete with a flat screen tv, laptop for barbie, and a FLUSHING TOILET! What could be better!? lol

Zach's Christmas was MADE when another player on Jordans USU basketball team came to play lazer guns with him and take a picture with him and his new team signed shirt! What a THRILL!!!