Our new addition to the family...
We welcomed Zoey, AKA Moo, to our family last night. My nephew, Ryan had a litter about 6 weeks ago and we fell inlove with the only white one the mommy had out of 7! BTW, there are still more, if you'd like a puppy!!! They are part lab part weimaranar mix. We look forward to the (challanges) and rewards of growing with a cute little girl like her.

First thing this morning, Caleb got up and fed her and played with her. She absolutely magnitizes to him, and he LOVES it. I know it is too soon to tell, but I think we have a little puppy love here! Just for the record...Caleb says he will take care of her (I am trying not to laugh too much at the thought of this), but I have to admit, I won't mind taking care of her either :)
First thing this morning, Caleb got up and fed her and played with her. She absolutely magnitizes to him, and he LOVES it. I know it is too soon to tell, but I think we have a little puppy love here! Just for the record...Caleb says he will take care of her (I am trying not to laugh too much at the thought of this), but I have to admit, I won't mind taking care of her either :)
When we first saw her, I wanted to call her "Moo", cause she looked like a little cow - especially her tummy, it is spotty black and white. Marshall just couldn't picture himself saying "Come here Moo!" So he said "I will just call her 'Beef'"..so needless to say, the we had the kids help us come up with a better suited name. Zoey. They all loved it! And now Marshall doesn't have to be embarrassed when he calls her ;)